Recently updated on April 9th, 2024 at 12:54 am

An efficient system for counties to administer Eviction Resolution Program


How it works for the tenant


1. Get Overview

Tenants can read an overview of rent assistance, right to counsel, and eviction laws in plain language

2. Create Documents

Tenant fills questionnaires in plain language to generate correct forms for their county e.g. ERP worksheet. 


3. Consult Lawyer

Tenants can benefit from the Right to Counsel program


4. File papers

Tenants can then formally file paperwork for Rent Assistance Program or proceed ahead with an eviction case

How it works for the landlord


1. Get Overview

Landlords learn fill a diagnostic questionnaire to get an overview of ERP, Rent Assistance Program, the Right to Counsel and other options available to them

2. Create Documents

Landlords answers questionnaires in plain language which then generates notices and county specific documents such as ERP worksheet. 


3. DRC

Landlords can inform DRC,  set appointments hold virtual meetings, and receive the final outcome (Certificate) digitally.


4. E-File with Court

In case the  mediation does not allow for agreement, landlords can file the final paperwork (Unlawful Detainer) with the local Superior Court

How it works for DRC (Dispute Resolution Center)


1. Login to portal

A member of the DRC logs in to view clients seeking dispute resolution along with completed paperwork, contact info, and ability to send secure messages and set appointments

video-call (1)
2. Talk to the client

After receiving the packets, the clerk can communicate with the petitioner using secure built in chat, and video call features in LegalAtoms.


3. Review and Correct

Clerks can review the documents (MS WORD, PDF) , make corrections and/or send notes to clients for revisions. 


4. Process the Case

The clerk can then approve or reject. Then the clerk has ability to move the case forward to the commissioner, law enforcement within LegalAtoms or using their existing system to have all capabilities in a paperless format.  

How it works for you (court staff)


1. Login to portal

A clerk logs in to view all clients including new client case submissions. The cases could also be originating from DRC, or referred to DRC

video-call (1)
2. Talk to the client

After receiving the packets, the clerk can communicate with the petitioner using secure built in chat, and video call features in LegalAtoms.


3. Review and Correct

Clerks can review the documents (MS WORD, PDF) , make corrections and/or send notes to clients for revisions. 


4. Process the Case

The clerk can then approve or reject. Then the clerk has ability to move the case forward to the commissioner, law enforcement within LegalAtoms or using their existing system to have all capabilities in a paperless format.  

Core Features


LegalAtoms provides these modules that serve additional roles (offices) in a court. These offer richer A-la carte functionality and separation, while keeping all parties on a single uniform platform for seamlessly moving data and moving to a paperless model. 

This page provides the complete information for Clerk module. In summary clerks can receive court packets, offer assistance, and decisions back to the client in a secure and seamless way.

Clerks can also forward and share the client case with different roles such as Judges or Commissioner, Advocates or Facilitators


Pro Se

Offers the general public a guided experience to prepare and file their court packets 


  • Questions posed in simple non-legal language 
  • Print correct court forms without missing required fields
  • Spanish language
  • Download court in MS WORD or PDF
  • E-file
  • Share your online cases seamlessly


Clients can become aware of the non profit or court sponsored resources, on what they offer, and whether their situation qualifies for their help. Clients can then share their cases, and communicate with them seamlessly via integrated chat, and voice and video calls for added privacy and convenience

  • Defendant and victim smart database searchable using natural language
  • Charges creation and filing
  • Create motions and auto-populate data
  • Have different accounts within Prosecutor's office with different permissions

LegalAtoms provides a judges to view cases online, modify them, issue orders


Law Enforcement can service documents electronically to the respondent and send updates back to the clerk


LegalAtoms provides a academic institutions to be setup legal clinics in collaboration with court staff members


Non profits can setup accounts that allows them to assist clients with evictions. They get access to client case documents on LegalAtoms and can chat or video call with clients securely without needing clients to install any software