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Prepare your Court Forms for Civil Protection Orders Online
This website helps victims with creating paperwork online for civil protection orders at the King County.
1. Take Screening
Start with an online screening tool to help you decide which civil protection order fits your situation the best.
2. Prepare Documents
Instead of looking at the forms themselves, our system will help you complete your filing documents by having you answer all of the necessary information by topic. We will ask you questions in plain and non-legal language. To make this process as simple as possible, our system will then generate your response anywhere it is needed on the forms.
3. Consult Victim Advocate (Optional)
You can consult an victim advocate or legal professional to get guidance on civil protection orders. A professional can review your case documents, and talk to you directly to discuss your case and safety planning.
4. File with the Clerk
You can formally begin the case by filing with the Office of the Clerk. You can do that by either printing and visiting the clerk's office at the court or using the clerk's virtual office online . The court has two locations, Seattle and Kent, listed at the bottom of this page.
Take Online Screening
Step through this screening tool which asks some general question without asking any personal information to suggest the most suitable protection order.
If you already know which specific protection order you need, you can skip to the next section.
Domestic Violence Protection Order
Domestic violence is abuse from a romantic partner, or a family or a household member. The abuse can involve physical or sexual violence, or a pattern of harassment or controlling behavior or merely threats to harm.
Sexual Assault Protection Order
This protection order applies to situations involving unwanted sexual conduct by someone who is not a romantic partner or a member of the victim's family or household.
Anti-harassment Protection Order
For protection against any kind of unlawful or harassing behavior that is annoying or stressful and that serves no lawful purpose.
Vulnerable Adult Protection Order
Vulnerable adults means senior citizens or other persons who have physical or mental disabilities. This protection order is aimed at protection them from someone who is mistreating them or exploiting them financially.
Stalking Protection Order
May be filed by someone who is experiencing stalking conduct by someone who is not a romantic partner or, a family or household member.
Extreme Risk Protection Order
This is aimed at restricting access to firearms from someone who poses significant danger to self or others. This protection order must be requested by a family or household member or a law enforcement agency.
A guide for parents and caregivers of children who are victims of domestic violence.
You can explore legal options for getting a protection order while maintaining your complete privacy. Nothing is shared with the government unless you share or submit.
Learn about free community and pro bono resources. Connect with them and share your case data with a few clicks.
Covers all common situations such as those involving minors, or firearms, or others permitted by the Washington State law, thereby saving you time.
Forms Selection
Correct form, and the most updated versions are automatically selected based on your situation.
Automated Checks
Run automated checks to verify correctness of your responses and to avoid mistakes that may cause delays in securing a protection order.
All questions are presented in plain non-legal language. Difficult concepts are broken down into simpler steps.
Message from our team
“We have dedicated this page to help victims, and their loved ones who are assisting them, to secure their civil protection orders online from anywhere and from any device.”
— LegalAtoms Team
Legal Information
The legal information contained here does not constitute legal advice or substitute for legal advice.
District and Superior Court
This website provides services to prepare cases at the King County Superior Court and District Courts. Certain Antiharassment, and Stalking Protection cases must be filed at the District Court.
This contact form is for technical support questions only. For non-technical questions please contact the victim advocates at the telephone numbers listed at the bottom of this page.