Recently updated on April 9th, 2024 at 12:44 am
Legal Interns can assist victims of domestic violence FREE
LegalAtoms let's individuals prepare their domestic violence court forms and E-file them in Washington. LegalAtoms also lets lawyers, legal technicians and legal interns to assist victims. This page is dedicated to the Legal Interns.
Legal interns can assist victims beginning with the chat widget on the website. Legal interns can assess the case difficulty and determine if a lawyer consultation is required. If lawyer consultation is not required, the legal interns can review the completed DVPO court documents to review clients responses.

How it works
Setup a profile similar to your linkedIn profile. Here are detailed step by step instructions
You can sign up to additionally also help visitors to Legalatoms. Usually they are deciding to qualify if their situation qualifies them for DVPO, and whether their
When clients hire you, you will receive a notification via email and on website. (For chat, you will receive notifications in the app)
View client documents online. Client can leave questions for you which you can address in one go
Productivity features for you!
LegalAtoms ideal is to let lawyers focus on practicing law only by cutting non-lawyerly tasks
Clients can receive reminders for important dates via email and text
Keep all client documents under their LegalAtoms account for self-service
Clients can book appointments directly on your calendar. You can specify rules e.g. min days in advance, min time between appointments, business hours etc.
Gratify your clients while cutting your burden to educate clients by creating beautiful tailor made infographics which answer "What happens now" or "what's the process", or "when will I be done".
Frequently Asked Questions
Setting up chat
We are using the Drift App which sends a nice "ding" when a client on our website clicks on the chat link .
Chat support is anonymous -- individuals don't have to reveal their identity.

Here's what interns have to do get started
Download the mobile app (iOS , Android). This is helpful in receiving notifications so you don't have to constantly monitor your laptop screen waiting for the client
E-mail to get
credentials and access to on-call signup sheet (Its a shared Google sheet)
Login to the Drift chat app
Sign up for support hours the on-call sheet
Tip: When you get a chat request you can go to the website to chat with clients from your laptop. This is helpful e.g. for typing faster, and for copy pasting links and screenshots.
Key features for assisting clients
LegalAtoms provides online questionnaires in simple language to gather client information. After the questionnaires are filled,
LegalAtoms creates the MS WORD and PDF versions of the court forms

Friendly questionnaires
Inspired by Turbo-tax

Guided experience
Users are assisted with explanations of terms, the next steps and curated and detailed help topics from carefully selected sources

Receive facebook style notifications whenever when clients complete their questionnaires or leave a question for you

Save commonly used responses as a template for use as a starting point. Create unlimited number of templates

Question level conversations
Clients can leave questions for you next to any individual question in the questionnaire. You can then address all questions in one go in facebook-style conversations

Pleading Documents
Download official pleading versions with numbered lines