Recently updated on April 9th, 2024 at 12:52 am

Judges can view cases and issue orders digitally



LegalAtoms provides these modules that serve additional roles (offices) in a court. These offer richer A-la carte functionality and separation, while keeping all parties on a single uniform platform for seamlessly moving data and moving to a paperless model. 


Judge module offers a calendar view of the legal cases suitable for judges and commissioners.  The calendar offers day, week or month views for judges to scan through the upcoming legal cases and prepare. 


Digital Cases

Judges can review the cases digitally with ability to override requests and sign digitally to have a 100% paperless experience


Issue Decisions

Judges can issue the overarching decisions with a single click e.g. Grant or Deny a requested temporary order.  There are automated rules to correctly move the case to the next stage .e.g. whether to present the judge an order or a denial order to complete.


LegalAtoms allows judges to prepare orders online. For example, a starting point could be the temporary order requested. Judges see that copy in a digital form which have editable content. The formatting is made to look like the paper court forms to present judges in a format they are familiar with. 


LegalAtoms provides a judges to view cases online, modify them, issue orders


Law Enforcement can service documents electronically to the respondent and send updates back to the clerk


LegalAtoms provides a academic institutions to be setup legal clinics in collaboration with court staff members


Non profits can setup accounts that allows them to assist clients within protection orders such as domestic violence protection orders. They get access to client questionnaires, court forms and the ability to chat or video call with clients securely without needing clients to install any software