Create a Profile as a Non Profit Member

Recently updated on April 9th, 2024 at 01:11 am

Step 1: Visit the Non profit Page

Read the page to get an overview

Step 2: Click on "Create Account (Free)" button

Step 3: Register as a "Professional"

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Step 4 Upload a Profile Picture

Please note: A profile picture greatly increases the chance of being selected by the client. However, you are not required to have one in case you don't feel comfortable releasing one for privacy.

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Step 5 Set Profession

Set the Profession as Nonprofit

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Step 6 Write a blurb

Write a blurb which describes your role and organization

Step 7: Add Contact Information

In case you don't have an office phone, then create a free Google Voice forwarding phone number to keep your personal phone number private

Step 7b: Address

Even if you work remotely please enter a reference address as this helps us show your profile to clients geographically closer to you

You can still specify later all the jurisdictions you provide your services in.

Step 8: Fill the Resume section (Optional)

Add with your relevant work experiences. This is an optional section but will really help build confidence with potential clients.

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This helps with matching you with clients

Step 9: Set Practice Area

Set the practice area as "Domestic Violence". You can set additional practice areas

The slider below the practice area is set at 100, you can leave it as it is.

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Step 10: Recent Cases (Optional)

You can discuss any cases you have worked on without revealing any client information. This section helps with the matching of clients with legal professionals.

Step 11: Pricing

Try to structure your services as a plan whereby each plan would provide specifics as to

  • Who qualifies
  • What a client would get
  • What case types does the plan apply to. A single plan (e.g. review case documents) may apply to multiple case types
  • Which jurisdictions does the plan apply to. Right now county is the best abstraction of jurisdiction for state level cases.

Step 12: Connect your calendar (Optional)

LegalAtoms allows you to link your calendar so appointment requests can be made by the clients. At the moment only Google calendars are supported.

You have a fine set of controls for appointments such as

  • Days of the week
  • Start and end hours (e.g. Mon, Wed 12pm-2pm)
  • Appointment duration
  • Heads up you need (e.g. 1 day advanced notice)
  • And a few other controls
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Step 13: Preview

At this point you can preview your profile

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Step 14: Make your profile Public

In the settings tab, you can turn on the first switch, and this just means that your profile will be discoverable.

Only when you turn on the next switch do we allow clients to send you requests.

Once a client sends you request, you will receive an e-mail notification. If you login, you will also see a facebook style notification.

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