How to file proof of service

Recently updated on April 9th, 2024 at 01:02 am


  1. Click E-Serve button

From the dashboard (Notice the “Cases” item is selected)

Please note you can click E-serve as many times as you want to serve


2. In the popup, click “Send”


The telephone (cell) number, email address, and Whatsapp number are pre-populated using values provided by the petitioner. You are welcome to

2. At this point the respondent will receive notifications

The respondent can take time to view, and acknowledge the receipt of court documents. For details on the respondent experience please view

How respondent can reply after having been served

Respondent’s progress can be seen here on the main dashboard (reached by clicking “Cases” in the left menu”.

The progress bar moves from grey to green in progressive three steps

  1. Opened: Respondent has opened and loaded the e-mail or text message
  2. Seen: The respondent clicked the button to view online page that details that they have been served, lists the court documents and a provides a place to sign.
  3. Completed: The respondent has signed and submitted the online page

3.   Complete the Proof of Service

Click on the eye icon to get to the details view of a particular case


Expand the “Hearing” tile by clicking on the arrow icon

Select the pencil icon to select “Proof of Service”


This open the Proof of Service document on the right half of the screen

4.  Click the “Edit” icon 


5. Make modifications and close the document

6. Click Generate Documents

7. Click Notify