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What Happens When an E-File is Rejected.

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Recently updated on April 9th, 2024 at 12:16 am

There are two sides to an E-File of a protection order. One is the side of the petitioner and the other being the clerks at the courts. Each party has important steps to follow to ensure the accuracy of the application.

The first step starts with the petitioner once they have filled out all portions of the protection order they will get to where they will E-File their application. They will then see an E-Filing tab that will be expanded on so they can see the steps that will happen with the E-File.

The petitioner will also get a email letting them know that they have E-Filed their application. In the email they will also get a copy of the application for the protection order as well.

Once submitted the clerks will see that the client has E-Filed an application when they have logged in to the site. Any new applications will show at the top of the list where they will click on the view tab to be able to review the application and make the decision if they are going to accept or reject it.

Once the clerk has reviewed the case and let's say in this instance the petitioner has missed something on the application the clerk will click on the Reject Submission tab. Which will then pop up a mini screen that will ask if you really want to reject the application and will let you type a message to the respondent as to why you are rejecting the application.

In the pop up the clerk will let the petitioner know the reason they are rejecting the application and will click on the Reject & Email tab. It will then send a notification to the petitioner letting them know the application has been rejected.

After being rejected the petitioner will see on their dashboard the status of their E-File along with the reason why their application has been rejected.

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