Assigning Lawyers to a Case
A case in LegalAtoms may be connected with including one or more lawyers. The lawyers can then login and have acccess to those cases on whom their name is listed as a lawyer.
Creation of Lawyers
Lawyers in LegalAtoms are created in the following ways:
1. Each lawyer may individually register on LegalAtoms. The instructions for registering are here : How to Setup a Profile as a Professional
LegalAtoms is a on open platform and any lawyer can register an account. Our internal team then approves the lawyer account after verifying their credentials from the Bar Association.
2. A Clerk may create lawyers using the Accounts Manager
A clerk may create lawyer accounts.
How Lawyers are Assigned to a Case
There are multiple ways a lawyer is assigned to a case:
Option 1: A Clerk may assign a lawyer to a case
Step 1: Click Share
Step 2:
A clerk can also search through list of lawyers and other professional
Clerk can also customize the message sent in the e-mail or SMS notification to the lawyer
Option 2: When a client creates a case via LegalAtoms questionnaires, they may specify their lawyer
In the questionnaires filled by the clients, there's always a question about whether a lawyer is representing them. This is where the client can select their lawyer.
Option 3: When a client E-files a case they can specify the lawyer. As part of the E-filing LegalAtoms uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and mapped to a lawyer account. The client can confirm the mapping
When a lawyer is assigned to a case their assignment timestamp is stored. Later if their assignment is removed, they will lose access to the case. There is a record of their assignment and the start and end date stored.
How Lawyers are Displayed
These can be seen in the connections tab of a case.
How Lawyers are Removed From a Case
A clerk may remove the assignment lawyer by clicking on the "Share" icon and unselecting the professional to whom the access was given prior.