Automated checks done by LegalAtoms to ensure quality filings

Recently updated on April 9th, 2024 at 12:39 am

LegalAtoms allows for automated checks to ensure that only fully completed court forms are printed or filed with the court.

Fully completed filings with ever increasing sophistication of checks guarantee court officials that they will never see court forms with missing required information. The public and petitioners also benefit by avoiding to accidentally missing some field which will cause them rejections and extra visits or work later. 

Petitioners, and other users start a case and one of the stages involves completing all the questionnaires which determine the final set of court forms, and also all the questions present on the court forms.

LegalAtoms applies this strategy to have quality fillings:

  1. Multiple Choice:  LegalAtoms offers multiple for common questions such as gender, race, and even addresses using Google Autocomplete. This ensures speediness and consistency.
  2. Immediate Checks:  These are enforced at the time the user is entering the response, and the user cannot go past a question unless the issue is fixed. For example this includes that required questions are answered and the responses match rules such as auto-capitalization, currency amounts can only be numbers, phone numbers can only be 10 digits, 29th day of February can only be in a leap year, addresses are selected from Google maps (exceptions allowed)
  3. Preview Responses in Compact Form:  Users are presented their responses in a compact form. This is to ensure they can glance through and see that emails are not off
  4. Pre-Document Generation Checks:  These checks are aimed at allowing petitioners to complete as much as possible and seek help from court facilitators. These checks also allow more sophisticated checks. After the user completes the questionnaires, they see a button to run the automated checks. The automated checks cannot be bypassed i.e. a user cannot evade the checks and file.

Multiple Choices

Wherever possible, LegalAtoms uses multiple choices for a rew reasons:

  • Speed up data entry for the petitioner, thereby reducing the burden in an already stressful situation
  • Improve data input accuracy and consistency as the user completely avoids typos and standard values for race, or body type can be used
  • Limit translations: For users who prefer questionnaires in Spanish, the number of items that need to be translated is minimum


Addresses input is made more accurate by integration with Google Maps, so a dropdown offers autocomplete options as the user types in the responses. This not only speeds up entry but ensures all component of the address e.g. zip code are never missed. In fact the user is blocked until all components are provided.

Note: In some remote and thinly populated areas, some addresses may not be present in Google Maps. Therefore LegalAtoms allows users to enter these but only after seeing through the responses from Google first. 


Immediate Checks

Petitioners are blocked until they enter all the users

Required questions are missing


Capitalization is correct



Ranges in Dates, Amounts , Heights, Weights and other Ranges

LegalAtoms can enforce some common sense checks even if the precise value may still not be verifiable. For example for date of birth it can enforce that minors are in fact under 18, or adults are over 18 but not impossibly old. This is to prevent accidental typos. 

Similarly height and weight or amounts are realistic values, even if we have no way to verify their correctness.  




Automated Checks Pre Document Generation